§ 2-93. Same—decision-making process.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Upon receipt of lists from all councilmen, the commissioner of finance shall prepare a statement as to funds available for capital improvement projects from the general fund and the special funds during each of the ensuing five (5) years.


    The commissioner of finance shall list all capital improvement projects submitted to him in the following order:


    All projects under construction with funds required for each of the ensuing five (5) years.


    All projects which only include funds for planning, architectural and engineering services.


    All projects which can be completed within one year.


    All projects which require more than one year for completion.


    The commissioner of finance shall submit this list of all capital improvement projects to the commission council for review as soon as practicable in order that the commission council may have sufficient time to thoroughly review and familiarize themselves with all projects on this list.


    The commissioner of finance shall publish, in the official journal, the complete list of projects and schedule public hearings. The department head and commissioner who originally submitted the project shall be responsible to discuss and justify before the commission council during the public hearings each new project submitted, and justify continuance of each project in progress.


    The commission council has the joint responsibility for placing the new projects in priority order. The commission council shall then approve by resolution those new capital improvement projects within available funds and publish such approval in the official journal of the parish.

(Ord. No. 445, § 3, 6-29-83)